The meaning of the word “Ayurveda” is “the science of life”.   Ayurveda is the oldest codified system of health and wellness in the world.  In health care today the phrase “holistic medicine” is often talked about and treated as if a new and revolutionary concept.  In the material you study during this course, you will learn that Ayurveda is not only the original holistic practice, but still views the individual in a more holistic way than any other practice used today. In Ayurveda, the physical, mental and spiritual are interactably linked, allowing the root cause of diseases to be revealed.

In this certification course, 3 parts are studied (10 Modules) and must be completed in studio or via live webinars to graduate as an Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Health Consultant. Classes may be purchased online or in total, as a complete program registration fee, but registration for the certification must be done via a Post Secondary enrollement registration form. This  600hr course is comprehensive in nature, and covers all core classes, as well as peripheral courses in the Vedic Sciences. All Homeworks/Internships hours, case managements hours and tests must also be completed with a passing grade to graduate.

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Module 1 Ayurvedic Foundation

Welcome to the Ki-Atsu Ayurvedic Lifestyle & Health Consultant Course.. You are about to join a healing tradition that dates back over 5000 years. This course will teach you to incorporate the ancient teachings of Ayurveda into your life and into the lives of others. Through these teachings and through the practice of Ayurveda, you will discover a new way of looking at overall health and a new and unique way of defining disease.

  • $500.00
  • Duration 180 hrs
  • 6 CEUs

Module 10 Vedic Background

Even though the principles in Astrology can be used in any system, I find the Vedic system to be the most rich and detailed conceptually. In fact, the Vedic people themselves do not call their teachings “Vedic” or “Hindu”. The teachings from which we will start are actually called “Sanatana Dharma” - or “The Eternal Truth”.

  • $500.00
  • Duration 60 hrs
  • 6 CEUs

Module 2 Ayurvedic Foundation

Ayurveda believes that everything in this universe is made of five great elements or building blocks and these elements are earth, water, fire, air & ether.

  • $500.00
  • Duration 60 hrs
  • 6 CEUs

Module 3 Ayurvedic Foundation

Ayurveda looks at the physical structure of the body in terms of the tissues of the body (the Dhatus), the membranes of the body (the Kalas) and the channels which allow substances to be transported through the body (the Srotas). In this section we will examine the seven dhatus, the seven kalas and the seven srotas, and how they are related and work to form the structure of the body.

  • $500.00
  • Duration 60 hrs
  • 6 CEUs

Module 5 Ayurveda and Disease

Ayurveda and Disease When considering the development of disease in the body, it is important to understand the three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. How the Doshas increase and decrease in the body based upon a variety of factors can cause imbalances of the body.

  • $500.00
  • Duration 60 hrs
  • 6 CEUs

Module 7 Ayurveda and Treatment of Disease

When considering the treatment of disease with Ayurvedic treatments, it is important to consider the Ayurvedic concept of diet/tastes. dinacharya/daily practices, purification techniques, meditation, asana, gem and color therapy to name a few.

  • $500.00
  • Duration 60 hrs
  • 6 CEUs

Module 8 Ayurveda and Treatment of Disease

When considering the treatment of disease with Ayurvedic treatments, it is important to consider the Ayurvedic concept of diet/tastes. dinacharya/daily practices, purification techniques, meditation, asana, gem and color therapy to name a few.

  • $500.00
  • Duration 60 hrs
  • 6 CEUs

Module 9 Ayurveda Assessment & Case Studies

In this Module we put all the information together to see how the practitioner comes to understand the nature of the patient, the nature of the imbalance, and the nature of the remedies needed to treat these imbalances.

  • $500.00
  • Duration 60 hrs
  • 6 CEUs