Initial Profiling & Consultation online video conferencing

Sankhya philosophy offers a framework for all the levels of manifestation, from the subtlest to the grossest. Sankhya comes from samyag akhyate, which literally means "That which explains the whole."

  • 2 hrs  $500



The Profiling & Initial Natal Consultation provides a bird´s eye view of the individual´s life, past, present, and future, revealing the karmic tendencies and giving insight into the influences which shape every area of life. Through greater understanding, one hopes to achieve the wisdom necessary to maximize opportunities for growth and minimize suffering.

Because the Natal Reading offers a broad overview, or karmic blueprint of one´s attachments and tendencies it provides a foundation for understanding other readings which deal with specific issues or specific future periods of time. With the Divine grace of the teachings from the Great Rishis Parasara & Jaimini, I humbly open my heart to receive guidance throughout these consultations/readings. Om Gurave Namah


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Follow up Consultations 

New Patients/Clients may choose to bypass the initial reading and just focus on a certain aspect of life or transit affecting a certain area of life, as well as Medical Astrology or Ayurvedic treatment plan

  • 90 min $250 
  • 60 min $150


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